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Clubfoot (Talipes Equinovarus)

General Description


Clubfoot is a disease that occurs in infancy, with one or both feet slightly inward and downward in their natural position. While only one foot is affected in half of the patients, both feet are affected in the other half.

Although the cause is not clearly explained, the fact that it is seen in twins at a rate of about 1/3 suggests that there may be a genetic predisposition to the emergence of the disease.

Diagnostic Methods


In the past, this ailment, which was thought to occur due to poor posture in the womb, can be detected at the 16th week of pregnancy with the help of developing medical technology and detailed ultrasound imaging. In some cases, even if it is not noticed due to the position of the baby, it can be easily diagnosed after birth.

In the controls made as soon as the baby is born, curvatures in the form of introversion can be seen in the feet. Physician during examination

High foot beam

Thumb pointing inward

Heel turned inward

It can diagnose according to findings such as the ankle looking down.

The most distinguishing feature of clubfoot is that “when you try to correct the curvature of the foot, it does not improve”.

Treatment Methods


In the treatment of clubfoot, the feet are stretched with a special maneuver and a cast that extends to the groin is attached. With this casting, which lasts for an average of one week, a certain improvement in the baby's feet is observed. Afterwards, with a special maneuver, the feet are stretched a little more and the second plastering is started. According to the improvement rate, this process is repeated every week for approximately 1 month. At the end of a month, the feet are brought to their natural position.

At the end of a one-month period, the feet are checked again and it is checked whether they can be stretched comfortably above 20 degrees. If the feet can be flexed easily and the heel bone is in place, the treatment is completed.

If the heel bone is not in place or the feet cannot be stretched comfortably, a simple surgical operation is performed to lengthen the Achilles tendon. After the operation, plastering is done again, and then a special shoe with a bar, called an orthosis, which protects the shape of the foot, needs to be worn. In order to get results from this treatment, children need to wear it for 23 hours a day and for three months.

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